Archive for May, 2014

Want to Have Soft, Clear Skin? Use GOOD OIL!

It may seem strange that we are suggesting that GOOD OIL is great to use in your facial cleansing routine but trust us, it works! You may also think it sounds crazy for us to suggest putting oil onto your face if you are already prone to oily skin and spots… think again! By applying GOOD OIL to your face this will actually help to unblock your pores as it dissolves the sebum plugs inside them.


1. Don’t worry about removing your make-up before you start! Begin by placing around a tablespoon of GOOD OIL into your hand and then rub it into your face using circular motions. Do this for around 10 minutes to make sure all of your pores have been unclogged.

2. Place a cloth that has been soaked in hot water (as hot as you can stand!) over your face until the cloth goes cold. Wipe your face with the cloth and repeat the process again until all the oil has been removed.

3. That’s it! Your face will be feeling soft and smooth and there is no need to follow with any toner or moisturiser.

So How Does it Work?

Put simply, oil dissolves oil. By using the right oils you can cleanse your skin of dirt and bacteria naturally, effectively and gently by replacing the dirty oil in your skin with a beneficial one. If GOOD OIL is used to cleanse skin properly and consistently you can be clear from issues like oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, blackheads, whiteheads and wrinkles can appear less visible!

There is no need to scrub your skin with chemicals which can strip your skin of any oil and send it into overdrive to try and compensate- making the problem worse! It has recently been reported that the small plastic beads used in many skincare products such as face scrubs, are slipping through water treatment facilities and making their way into the food chain. Keep it natural and use GOOD OIL!

GOOD OIL is also a lot cheaper than using expensive cleansers and creams. At just £6 for a 500ml bottle (which will last you about 50 days) this works out at just 12 pence per day. You may end up buying more though as it tastes so good on salads!


May 29, 2014 at 12:00 pm Leave a comment

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