Archive for April, 2014

GOOD OIL: Why It Really Is GOOD

The majority of us will use oil in our daily lives and not give much thought to how it is affecting our health, however as it is a common ingredient in almost every meal shouldn’t it be a little more important? Most recipes begin with ‘heat a tablespoon of oil’ and by using GOOD OIL you can make sure that tablespoon counts! Just one tablespoon of GOOD OIL contains 96% of an adult’s daily recommended Omega 3 intake!




So what else is so good about GOOD OIL?

  • Made from the superfood hemp seeds: GOOD OIL is 100% pure hemp seed oil which is cold pressed and nothing else is added. Hemp seeds are a real superfood and are made up of 30% protein, 15% carbohydrates and over 9% fibre. Whatsmore, they are packed full of Omega 3, 6 and 9 which are the essential fatty acids your body cannot produce itself. With 2.3g of Omega 3 per 30g serving of hemp seeds, you can easily exceed the daily recommended intake of 2g without trying!
  • Sustainable: hemp is one of the most sustainable plants on the planet and breath in four times the amount of CO2 that trees do. Also, the rate hemp grows is extremely fast, second only to bamboo. Within 4 months of being planted it can grow between 10 and 20 feet tall! On the other hand trees take at least 20 years before they can be harvested for commercial use.Whilst growing, the hemp makes an excellent habitat for animals and as no herbicides, pesticides or chemicals are used, it is good for the soil too and helps to enrich it with nutrients. Once the seeds are harvested none of the crop is wasted. The straw from the stem goes into sustainable housing and the fibre is used for the doors of BMW cars! The leaves are left to enrich the soil even more.
  • Not just for eating: GOOD OIL  is not only delicious drizzled over salads and in stir fries. It is an excellent moisturiser and is great for dry skin. As the oil contains an almost perfect ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6, this makes it more readily available to be used by the cells in the body than other oils. Many customers have commented that using GOOD OIL directly on the skin or in the bath have helped to relieve the symptoms of dry skin, eczema and sunburn.
  • Produced in the UK: it’s not often you can say your culinary oil is produced in Britain and with many oils (such as olive oil) they have probably come from overseas racking up lots of food miles on the way. GOOD OIL  is pressed and bottled at Collabear Farm in Devon so you can be sure of the origin of our oil and that it hasn’t had to travel too far to get to your plate!
  • Low in saturated fat: compared with olive oil GOOD OIL  contains half the saturated fat. This means you can be more liberal with it without the fear of going over your saturated fat limit for the day! GOOD OIL  contains 9.4% saturated fat and this is compared to 21% in soya bean oil and a whopping 86% in coconut oil!

April 30, 2014 at 3:29 pm Leave a comment

Nuts About Soya?

There are so many dairy alternatives available nowadays and it can be difficult to know which one to choose. With so many new plant-based milks being introduced it can be a confusing (and expensive) task deciding which to use on a daily basis.

The most well-known dairy alternative is probably soya as this is likely to be the option many people turn to when they first  go dairy-free. Soya can be a good option as the phytoestrogens it contains have been shown to reduce the adverse symptoms of menopause and can also help to accelerate calcium absorption in the body which can help to prevent osteoporosis. However, there are many reasons why soya may not be such a good option…

Why Choose Hemp Milk Over Soya Milk?

  • Non-GM

Unlike soya, hemp needn’t be ‘enhanced’ or genetically modified in order to give it a more nutritiously desirable profile. Many soya crops are genetically modified and hemp needn’t be! Hemp is grown without the use of any chemicals and does not require herbicides or pesticides to grow.

  • Produced in the UK

GOOD HEMP Milk is produced from hemp seeds grown on our farm in Devon and is made and packed right here in the UK. Soya beans can only grown in climates with hot summers which is not possible in the UK so you can never be too sure where your soya milk has come from or how many miles it has travelled!

  • Minimal processing

In order to extract the milk from the beans soya has to undergo a lengthy chemical process. In GOOD HEMP Milk, the seeds are shelled and then blended with water which involves minimal processing and keeps the optimum nutritional value of the seeds!

  • Easy to digest

Hemp milk is easily digestible, so there is none of the bloating which can be associated with soya alternatives. Soya contains enzyme inhibitors known as oligosaccharides, which can interfere with digestion causing bloating and gas- which is not very nice!

  • Nut-free

GOOD HEMP milk is produced in a completely nut-free environment which means you can be sure you are not going to consume any allergens.

  • Perfect in hot drinks!

Many dairy-alternatives, including soya, are not suitable when used in hot drinks and can separate. GOOD HEMP milk won’t do this, and it is great for cooking with too.

  • Packed full of Omega-3

Hemp seeds are high in Omega-3 and just one glass of GOOD HEMP Milk contains 50% of an adult’s daily recommended Omega 3 intake.

April 15, 2014 at 2:13 pm Leave a comment

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