Posts tagged ‘GOOD OIL’

Have a Healthier Pancake Day with GOOD Hemp.


Pancake Day (or Shrove Tuesday, if you’re so inclined) is a day designated for excess before the trials and tribulations of the forty days of lent. However, this doesn’t mean that your pancakes have to be totally unhealthy. With GOOD Hemp products you can use it as an opportunity to both indulge and top up on some essential nutrients at the same time. Here’s a few ideas and tips to get you started:

  • Use GOOD Oil to cook your pancakes and stop them from sticking
    • Nobody likes to see good pancake batter go to waste, and using our GOOD Oil instead of your butter or other oils is a great way to ensure that this doesn’t happen. Our GOOD Oil is full of Omega 3, and contains only half the saturated fat of olive oil and can be used in many of the same ways, making it a quick, easy and healthy substitute for oil or butter when cooking your pancakes.
  • Swap your milk for GOOD Hemp Milk
    • Swapping the standard milk most people use for making their pancake batter for GOOD Hemp milk has all sorts of benefits. Not only will it add a creamy, nutty flavour that works fantastically in sweet dishes but it will also add loads of good things such as essentially fatty acids like Omega 3, 6 and 9 as well as a complete lack of cholesterol. Furthermore, it’s perfectly suited to cooking as it does not lose ANY of its nutritional benefits when used for cooking and will not curdle either.
  • Keep your toppings simple
    • Things can get out of hand when it comes to pancake toppings, and this tends to be when all concerns for keeping things healthy go out of the window. If you keep your toppings simple, then you can go some distances to keeping things healthy too. Fresh fruit makes a great healthy pancake toppings, with berries and bananas being two great choices. You could also try out our GOOD Seed Sweet Cinnamon shelled hemp seeds which are full of protein and would make your pancakes even healthier.

Hopefully these tips can help you keep your Pancake Day escapades in check and help keep your body healthy too.

February 17, 2015 at 3:38 pm Leave a comment

GOOD OIL Saving the World. One Eco-Brick at a time.

This isn’t exactly news, as we’ve been banging the Green drum since day 1 – but we decided it was high time to start talking a bit more about our Eco-Credentials.

GOOD OIL is made from Hemp Seed, and Hemp is one of the most sustainable crops you can grow.We grow our own Hemp for GOOD OIL in Devon, and we also work with British Farmers in Surrey and Suffolk to ensure we have enough supply.

M&L Lettuce 3

GOOD OIL - Healthy, Tasty and Great for the Environment

100% of our crop, and the crops of those we work with, is used. Not one tiny bit is wasted! The Seed is used for GOOD OIL and the other Hemp Products we make (Hemp Natural Protein Powder for example). The fibre is supplied to BMW for the doors of 3 & 5 Series cars. It reduces the weight per car by approximately 1kg, thus enabling fuel efficiency. The dust cleaned from the seed is supplied to worm farms and the leaf matter supplies essential nutrients back to the soil as a natural fertiliser.

growing hemp

Hemp Growing on our farm in Devon

Pretty good so far we know, but this is where it gets even more amazing. The Hemp straw is used to make Hemcrete, one of the most eco-friendly building materials available. It works as a great insulator as well as ‘locking’ CO2.

hemcreteThese hemcrete bricks can be used for all sorts of building requirements. Entire “Eco-Houses” are made out of them, which use enough Hemp Straw to lock a net gain of 7.5t of CO2. That’s more than the annual CO2 produced by the average UK Household.

The fact that we’re really proud of is that for every 800 bottles of GOOD OIL we make, there is enough hemp straw to build an entire Eco-house. Or to put it another way, 1 bottle of GOOD OIL produces enough straw to lock the equivalent CO2 produced by the average 40 mile car journey. So brick by brick, we’re making a difference (and we’re also delivering the wonderful health benefits and yumminess of GOOD OIL to thousands of people!).


A Hemp House - made from Hemcrete

We work with Lime Technology to produce the Hemcrete. They have been working on some absolutely amazing projects, including the Adnams Brewery Distribution Centre in Suffolk – where using Hemp and Lime materials saved over 500 tonnes of CO2.  To read more about sustainable building projects using Hemcrete visit their website.

November 5, 2009 at 2:40 pm Leave a comment

Good Oil can help Arthritis

There is an article which is appearing all over Twitter about Hemp Seed Oil helping Arthritis. This is not news to us here, as we’ve long had lovely people get in touch with us saying how much their daily GOOD OIL helps their joints. In fact, Henry’s mum was the first person to point out how much it was helping her knees (she phoned Henry to ask for more as she was able to run up and down the stairs without any pain for the first time in years). That was back before Henry and Glynis had any listings for GOOD OIL and were still perfecting it at the farm in Devon.


But why does it help? Well, we had a lot of research done by Professor Sanders at King’s College London, and according to that research the main reason is because of the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) in Hemp Seed Oil and the GLA content. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. The joints are damaged and the area has “cartilage and bone gravel.” This “gravel” rubs against the bones and cartilage, causing excruciating pain and damaging the joint further – so the cycle continues and the arthritis worsens. The EFAs and GLA in Hemp Seed Oil can help the joint inflammation, thereby slowing down the damage process and easing the pain.

Here at the farm we recommend 10ml of GOOD OIL a day for overall GOOD Health. This provides your daily recommended intake of Omega 3, plus the equivalent of 6 Evening Primrose Oil capsules (in terms of their GLA content). According to the lovely people who get in touch with us, it really does make a difference!


October 28, 2009 at 10:45 am 3 comments

Omega 3 Recommended Daily Intake

The Eureopean Food Safety Authority (ESFA) has announced that there soon will be a recommended daily intake for Omega 3.

The EFSA’s Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) has proposed that new references for Omega intake will be launched. The actual recommendations are still being finalised, but it is proposed that 250mg will be the recommendation for long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, and for ALA it will be 2g. Omega 6 will also be included in the recommendations, at 6g per day.

What does this mean for everyone?

Well, it should mean it will be easier to work out what products actually are a good source of Omega 3, as the claims made on packaging will have to correspond with the reference intake. It will also help people make sure they get enough Omega 3 and 6 in their diet, which is surely a very good thing!

The GOOD News for us is that with these new guidelines we’ll be able to tell people that 1 Tbsp of GOOD OIL (10ml), our cold pressed hemp seed oil, will give you 94% of your recommended daily intake of Omega 3, and 94% of your Omega 6. So a spoonful a day, however you like to take it, means you’re pretty much sorted!

A delicious way to get your Recommended Daily Intake of Omega 3

A delicious way to get your Recommended Daily Intake of Omega 3

July 30, 2009 at 4:47 pm Leave a comment

The Perfect BBQ Recipe!

Okay, so it is raining today (it is here anyway). I’m thinking about Barbecues anyway. Just because.

Ben (Good Oil’s resident chef, and son of founder Glynis) has given me this super recipe which is perfect for a quick and easy Barbie. Yum. All we need now is some sunshine….

GOOD OIL Haloumi Kebabs with Sesame Chilli Marinade

– 2 small red onions, peeled and cut into wedges
– 1tbsp chopped, fresh coriander
– 100ml of GOOD OIL
– 2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce
– Juice and zest of 1 lime
– 750g halloumi cheese, cubed
– 2 peppers, deseeded and cut into chunks
– 1 tbsp sesame oil

Halloumi Chilli Kebabs

A perfect one for Veggies and non Veggies alike, and a great source of Omega 3. What more could you ask for?!

For more Good Oil recipes have a look at our regular website, plus if you are interested, our new Veggie Website which we’ve literally only just finished building…

May 26, 2009 at 11:44 am 1 comment

A rather delicious (and easy peasey) recipe…

What’s the weather like where you are? Being British we are obsessed with it. To be fair, we’re having to keep a very close eye on it at the moment as we’ll be planting our hemp crop soon and we need to do it at precisely the right time – and temperature and general weather conditions have a big impact on that.

Right, so the weather – it is pretty dismal here today. Grey, rainy, chilly. It always does that, gives you some sunshine and then just as you start getting used to it, snatches it away. We’re all craving wintery food because, to be honest, it feels like winter all over again. I’m confident this recipe of Ben’s will cheer us up though. Super simple, delicious and suitable for dairy free diets, Vegans, Veggies and pretty much everyone else too. You don’t need to feel too guilty about it either as it will help you towards your recommended daily intake of Omega 3!

GOOD Fruit Crumble


For the Crumble
35g flour
25g sugar
3 Tbsp of GOOD Oil

For the Fruit
4 pears, peeled and chopped
100g raspberries
50g sugar

Pre-heat the oven to 190C


Mix the fruit and sugar together in an oven dish. In another bowl mix the flour, sugar and GOOD OIL with your fingers until it resembles breadcrumbs. Put the flour mix over the fruit then place in the oven for 30 mins until golden brown.

GOOD OIL Pear & Rasberry Crumble

May 13, 2009 at 11:14 am Leave a comment

Tell us why you love GOOD Oil and win a GOOD Hamper

We’re very lucky here at GOOD Oil because lots of people love what we make. They email us to tell us that they do, which always makes our day. I got a message the other day saying, “I found out only recently about what a wonderful plant hemp is.  I’ve been looking all over the place for hemp seed and hemp seed oil.  All I came across was little bottles of the oil in pills.  Ugh.  Now that I have found you and your products, I am feeling very happy.” It makes us happy to make other people happy!

We were inspired. We thought that we could make ourselves and our supporters happy at the same time by encouraging lovely people to tell us why they love GOOD OIL (which makes us happy) in order to win a hamper of GOOD Stuff (to make them happy).

So tell us! If you need some inspiration, here are a handful we particularly like:

“I just enjoy using it as it is a versatile oil. It smells and taste lovely with everything from sprinkling it onto salads to using it for normal cooking! It seems so much healthier than other oils as it has all the goodness inside! Wonderful Good Oil!”
“A corner of heaven found in Devon, from good rich soil comes pure Good Oil”
“It just tastes awesome in everything!!!! I can’t get enough of its nutty taste!”

Visit to tell us. Good luck!

Henry & Glynis and Bryn the dog

The GOOD Oil team xx

May 5, 2009 at 5:49 pm Leave a comment

Watch our GOOD Advert!

We made this a few weeks ago for a show we were exhibiting at,  so we thought we’d share it with you!

Henry shot the film, Glynis produced it (those other careers they have come in handy sometimes!) and Caroline was the runner. Ben (Glyn’s son) was the chef and ‘star’, although the real star was the GOOD OIL obviously. We shot it at one of their friend’s houses in lovely Fitzroy square, which was absolutely beautiful. We’re very happy with it – so let us know what you think!

April 28, 2009 at 2:56 pm Leave a comment

The Viva! Incredible Veggie Show

The GOOD Team spent last Saturday inside at the Royal Horticultural Halls. The weather was beautiful outside – but we didn’t mind. The reason we were inside all day was because of the Viva! Incredible Veggie Show. With almost 4000 visitors the show was a great success overall, and it was especially GOOD for us. We chatted with hundreds of Veggies, Vegans and Meat reducers about the benefits of GOOD Oil with it’s Veggie Omega 3 (and great taste of course). We sold out of absolutely everything – so we’ve made a mental note for next time to take twice as much!


The whole day was really  fun. The kids loved sitting in the front of Tuk Tuk, whilst the adults enjoyed all the food that was available to try (the snacks lady next to us had some delicious things!) Hempower did well too, serving their Hemp porridge to everyone. That definitely kept us all going throughout the day. The raw chocolate was amazing too.


A successful day was had by all, and for all those who didn’t manage to buy some GOOD OIL on the day, you can buy it on our website now!

The next show is the Bristol Vegan Fayre – so we’ll see everyone there. Oh, and if you have a minute, check out our new Ad with us doing some Vegetarian cooking 🙂 The shortbread recipe will be on our website shortly.

The GOOD Team x

April 23, 2009 at 10:48 am Leave a comment

Spring into Spring with GOOD Recipes

The Chocolate fest is over until next year. It is time for some healthy recipes surely?! Especially as the sun is (kind of) shining! Some nutritionist friends of ours have developed some recipes with GOODness in mind. Perfect for a full on detox or if you are just trying to be a bit healthier this spring. I personally love the Mango dressing. Let us know how you get on with them!

Delicious mood enhancing Mango salad dressing by Charlotte Palmer

1/2 a ripe Mango
3-4 Tablespoons of GOOD OIL
1-2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
Basil or Oregano
1 teaspoon of good quality Honey
Teaspoon of Mustard Powder
Squeeze of Lemon or Lime to preserve

Take the Mango and throw into the liquidiser or food processor. Add the GOOD OIL, apple cider vinegar and mustard powder to the mix, plus some fresh torn Basil or Oregano and the honey. Add pepper to taste, and a good squeeze of Lemon or Lime to preserve. Pour in an airtight jar and store in the fridge this dressing makes all salads taste divine!!

Black Olive and Chickpea Pate by Charlotte Palmer

1 jar/tin of Black Olives
1 tin of Chickpeas
A generous handful of fresh herbs (Basil, Thyme etc)
A clove of garlic
A squeeze of lemon
A teaspoon of vegetable Bouillon powder
2-3 Tablespoons of GOOD OIL
A teaspoon of rice or barley miso
1 teaspoon of ground Seaweed or ground pepper to taste.

Throw all the above ingredients (except the GOOD OIL) into a food processor mix together whilst slowly drizzling the GOOD OIL in from the top. When the mixture has reached a smooth paste at the desired consistency spoon out into a clean short tub or jar store in the fridge up to 5 days. Eat spread generously on rye toast, oatcakes, or ricecakes.

Cool Cucumber Soup (serves 2-4) by Hayley Williams

1 large cucumber
1 pear
A few spring onions
A handful or two of fresh mint
2 Tablespoons of GOOD OIL
One clove of garlic
A squeeze of lemon juice
A couple of ice cubes

Simply blend the above ingredients using either a jug or a handheld blender.
If the blender isn’t high powered add the ice cubes at the end.
Retain a few mint leaves to garnish and serve cool. Eat quickly!


April 14, 2009 at 10:55 am Leave a comment

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