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Have a Healthier Pancake Day with GOOD Hemp.


Pancake Day (or Shrove Tuesday, if you’re so inclined) is a day designated for excess before the trials and tribulations of the forty days of lent. However, this doesn’t mean that your pancakes have to be totally unhealthy. With GOOD Hemp products you can use it as an opportunity to both indulge and top up on some essential nutrients at the same time. Here’s a few ideas and tips to get you started:

  • Use GOOD Oil to cook your pancakes and stop them from sticking
    • Nobody likes to see good pancake batter go to waste, and using our GOOD Oil instead of your butter or other oils is a great way to ensure that this doesn’t happen. Our GOOD Oil is full of Omega 3, and contains only half the saturated fat of olive oil and can be used in many of the same ways, making it a quick, easy and healthy substitute for oil or butter when cooking your pancakes.
  • Swap your milk for GOOD Hemp Milk
    • Swapping the standard milk most people use for making their pancake batter for GOOD Hemp milk has all sorts of benefits. Not only will it add a creamy, nutty flavour that works fantastically in sweet dishes but it will also add loads of good things such as essentially fatty acids like Omega 3, 6 and 9 as well as a complete lack of cholesterol. Furthermore, it’s perfectly suited to cooking as it does not lose ANY of its nutritional benefits when used for cooking and will not curdle either.
  • Keep your toppings simple
    • Things can get out of hand when it comes to pancake toppings, and this tends to be when all concerns for keeping things healthy go out of the window. If you keep your toppings simple, then you can go some distances to keeping things healthy too. Fresh fruit makes a great healthy pancake toppings, with berries and bananas being two great choices. You could also try out our GOOD Seed Sweet Cinnamon shelled hemp seeds which are full of protein and would make your pancakes even healthier.

Hopefully these tips can help you keep your Pancake Day escapades in check and help keep your body healthy too.

February 17, 2015 at 3:38 pm Leave a comment

5 Foods to Cut Out in 2015

With a New Year dawning, all of us want to start it in the best way we can and make positive changes to our lives. And what better time than the present? You can make a difference to your mind and body by making small changes to your diet and reducing or cutting out certain foods. Here are the top 5 we think will make the most difference!

white carbs

1. Refined Carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, sugar, flour and rice)

These foods are mainly full of empty calories and have little nutritional benefit. ‘White’ foods will quickly be converted into sugars by your body and send your blood sugar soaring. These foods are also more quickly digested by the body than their un-processed counterparts so you will be feeling hungry again soon after eating. Switch to wholemeal bread and pasta and brown rice instead.

2. Animal Protein

Animal protein such as bacon, sausages and cheese are often high in saturated fat and cholesterol so it is best to get your all-important protein intake from plant sources instead. People who eat the most animal-based foods are likely to get the most chronic of diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke or heart disease.

3. Caffeine

You make think that you need that coffee first thing in the morning to get you going but in fact it could be detrimental to your health. A common side effect is dehydration as it increases urine production and it is very important to replace these lost fluids. Other side effects include nervousness and mood swings. As caffeine is a drug, unfortunately there will be withdrawal symptoms such as nausea and headaches too. Stick to green tea!

4. Milk

We have all been programmed from a young age to think that milk is vital for calcium however this proved to be untrue. Like all animal protein, milk acidifies the body pH which in turn triggers a biological correction. Calcium is an excellent acid neutraliser and the biggest storage of calcium in the body is in the bones. The calcium that our bones need to stay strong is used to neutralise the acidifying effect of milk and leaves the body via the urine. Kale actually contains more calcium than milk!

5. Artificial Sweeteners

Sucralose and aspartame are common sweeteners in products found on shelves today. Sucralose is produced by chlorinating sucrose and chlorine is a known carcinogen which is a cancer-causing substance. Aspartame has been investigated as a possible cause of brain tumours, mental retardation, birth defects, epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease and diabetes. Steer away from ‘diet’ drinks and instead use honey or maple syrup if you need to add sweetness.

December 29, 2014 at 11:15 am Leave a comment

GOOD Recipe: Pumpkin Gnocchi

It’s that time of year again when there is an abundance of pumpkins and rather than wasting the delicious flesh when you have carved a scary face into it, make yourself a hearty, warming dinner!

Pumpkins are packed full of vitamin A which helps to promote healthy vision. The seeds are also packed full of nutrients including zinc and dietary fibre, so don’t waste these. Have a go at sprinkling the seeds on a baking tray in an even layer and adding some ground spices like fennel, corriander or cumin. Drizzle with GOOD OIL and bake at 180º for around 10 minutes. These make a delicious snack and you won’t be wasting a thing!


Pumpkin Gnocchi with Sage-Infused GOOD OIL

Serves: 4   Prep: 25 mins     Cook: 25 mins

Calories: 619        Protein:15g       Carbs: 75g       Fat: 30g         Saturates: 4g          Fibre:8g         Sugar: 6g          Salt: 0.6g


1kg pumpkin, peeled and seeds removed

700g potatoes, peeled and quartered

3 eggs

200g plain flour, plus extra for dusting

whole nutmeg

100ml GOOD OIL, plus 1 tbsp

8 small sage leaves

salt and pepper


1.Preheat your oven to Gas 7 (220C/425F). Place the potatoes into a pan of boiling salted water and cook for around 15 minutes until tender

2.Meanwhile, cut the pumpkin in cubes and place on a baking tray. Drizzle over a tablespoon of the GOOD OIL, season with salt and pepper and roast for around 10 minutes until they are soft

3.Drain the cooked potatoes and return to the pan. Add the cooked pumpkin to the same pan and mash until the mixture is completely lump-free

4.Grate in about half of the whole nutmeg and add extra salt and pepper if needed

5.Beat in the eggs one at a time and then slowly incorporate the flour. Mix until the mixture  has just come together as you don’t want to overwork the dough. The mixture should be stiff, smooth and soft at this point so add extra egg/flour if required

6.Dust the work surface with flour and tip the dough out onto it. Take a handful of the mixture and roll out into a long sausage that is about 1 inch in width. Using a sharp knife, cut the sausage into short lengths. Repeat this with the rest of the dough

7.To cook the gnocchi, bring a large pan of salted water to a simmer and drop in the gnocchi. When they float to the surface remove from the heat and drain

8.Add the GOOD OIL to a large frying pan and heat gently for a minute. Add the sage leaves and cook until they begin to sizzle and go crisp. Tip in the drained gnocchi and shake the pan lightly to make sure the gnocchi is incorporated with the oil.

9.Serve straight away in warmed bowls

October 30, 2014 at 5:22 pm Leave a comment

Eat Yourself Well

Diet is so important when it comes to feeling our best, and as the old saying goes: you are what you eat! It’s no good just relying on exercise to feel fit and healthy, but about supplying our bodies with the right fuel and nutrients to nourish every single part of us.

Diet and Nutrition Advisor Lynsey Mentier has put together some mouth-watering recipes using GOOD products that not only taste delicious, but will leave you feeling great too!

Chocolate Protein Shake

3 ripe bananas
200ml GOOD HEMP milk
2 tbsp ground almonds
2 tbsp raw cacao
3 tbsp GOOD SEED Natural

Blend all of the ingredients together until smooth.


Warm Potato and Hemp Salad

New potatoes

green beans


fresh parsley




Rock salt (I use pink Himalayan)

Garlic powder

Boil the potatoes and add in the courgette and green beans for the last 2 minutes. Stir through the fresh parsley, olives and sweetcorn and drizzle with the GOOD OIL. Finally sprinkle over the garlic powder and rock salt.


Buddha Bowl Salad Dressing


Lemon juice

Rock salt

Garlic powder

Stir together the ingredients and drizzle over your favourite salad


Lynsey says: “I love adding a drizzle of hemp oil to my smoothies. The subtle nutty flavour is delicious in this strawberry and ground flax smoothie. This is also made with hemp milk too for extra plant based creaminess”


Check out Lynsey’s Instagram for more healthy inspiration: tonic_nutrition

October 9, 2014 at 3:00 pm Leave a comment

Super Seeds!

There are so many types of seeds around at the moment and there are often confusing messages given about each. With chia, flax and hemp to name a few, they all claim to be the next ‘superfood’ and are all vying to be added into your diet! The truth is, every different seed has its own health benefits and we’re here to clear up some of the confusion.


Hemp Seeds

These seeds have had a hard time trying to shake off the image given to them by their prolific cousin (marijuana) however they are finally being taken seriously. These seeds are soft and nutty and come from one of the most sustainable plants on Earth!

Why are they good?

The perfect ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids is 4:1. This means that for every 4g of Omega 6 we consume, we must consumer 1g of pure Omega 3. Hemp seeds contain an almost perfect ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 of 3.75:1 which means it can be utilised in the optimum way by the body. Hemp seeds are also a complete source of protein and contain the 10 essential amino acids that cannot be synthesised in he body. Just one 30g serving contains over 100% of your recommended Omega 3 intake for the day!

How should I use them?

These seeds have a delicious nutty flavour and can be used to sprinkle on top of salads, stir fries, yoghurts and cereal. They can also be be added into bread and cakes or whizzed up into smoothies.

Is there a downside?

Hemp seeds are completely allergen-free and do not contain any harmful substances so there isn’t any particular downside!


Flax Seeds

Also known as linseeds, these are grown from hardy plants that can survive in almost any climate. The seeds are chewy and come in two varieties: brown and yellow or golden.

Why are they good?

Flax contains high levels of Omega 3 which can help to lower ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol in the blood and increase the ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL). They also contain lignans which are a phytoestrogen considered to have antioxidant properties. 

How should I use them?

To get the most out of flax seeds they need to be ground, as the outer shell is so hard. Ground flax can be sprinkled onto yoghurts and cereal or added into biscuits and cakes. 

Is there a downside?

As flax seeds are so high in fibre, if they are eaten in large quantities this can cause stomach pain and have a laxative effect. Also, it is advised that flax seeds are cooked before eating as they contain small amounts of cyanogenic glycosides (cynanide). Finally, the phytoestrogens contained in the lignans may be unadvisable to eat for pregnant women. 


Chia Seeds

These little seeds are from the Salvia Hispanica plant which is related to mint. They were an important food for the Aztecs and chia is actually the Mayan word for ‘strength’. However they have recently undergone an impressive revival!

Why are they good?

Chia seeds are particularly high in fibre and can absorb 10-12 times their weight in water. They are also higher in Omega 3 than salmon! They are high in calcium and magnesium so can contribute towards bone health too. 

How should I use them?

They can be eaten raw, soaked in juice, added to porridges and puddings, or added to baked goods.You can also sprinkle them on top of cereal, yogurt, vegetables or rice dishes. Because of their ability to absorb both water and fat, they can be used to thicken sauces and even used as an egg substitute.

Is there a downside?

Even though they may be high in Omega 3, the Omega 3 they are high in is ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). This is not as beneficial as you may think as they cannot be converted by the body into a useable form. Also, as they are so high in fibre there could be digestive issues if too many are consumed. 


Which seeds should I eat?

All seeds have their own unique properties and they say that variety is the spice of life! In terms of Omega 3 and protein, hemp seeds are clearly the ones to go for. They are also particularly good for the planet and come from one of the most sustainable plants on Earth. 

If it’s fibre you’re mainly interested in, chia seeds may be the way to go! On the other hand, flax may be a better option as they contain greater levels of antioxidants. 

All in all it is clear to see that all of these seeds have their own benefits and drawback. All of them also have a rightly deserved place in our diet too!


Nutritional Info per 100g

Seed Calories Fat Saturated fat Omega 6 Omega 3 Omega 6: Omega 3 Protein Fibre
Hemp (shelled) 580 45 3.7g 53g 16.2g 3.75:1 34.4g 10g
Flax 534 42.1 3.6g 5.9g 22.8g 0.2:1 18.3g 27.3g
Chia 490 30.8g 3.2g 57.8g 17.5g 03:01 15.6g 37.7g
Pumpkin 559 49g 2g 5.6g 4.9g 107.8:1 30.2g 6g
Sesame 567 48g 6.7g 25g 0 55.7:1 16.9g 16.9g
Sunflower 584 51.5g 5.7g 28.2g 0 312.1:1 20.8g 8.6g

August 5, 2014 at 2:27 pm Leave a comment

Want to Have Soft, Clear Skin? Use GOOD OIL!

It may seem strange that we are suggesting that GOOD OIL is great to use in your facial cleansing routine but trust us, it works! You may also think it sounds crazy for us to suggest putting oil onto your face if you are already prone to oily skin and spots… think again! By applying GOOD OIL to your face this will actually help to unblock your pores as it dissolves the sebum plugs inside them.


1. Don’t worry about removing your make-up before you start! Begin by placing around a tablespoon of GOOD OIL into your hand and then rub it into your face using circular motions. Do this for around 10 minutes to make sure all of your pores have been unclogged.

2. Place a cloth that has been soaked in hot water (as hot as you can stand!) over your face until the cloth goes cold. Wipe your face with the cloth and repeat the process again until all the oil has been removed.

3. That’s it! Your face will be feeling soft and smooth and there is no need to follow with any toner or moisturiser.

So How Does it Work?

Put simply, oil dissolves oil. By using the right oils you can cleanse your skin of dirt and bacteria naturally, effectively and gently by replacing the dirty oil in your skin with a beneficial one. If GOOD OIL is used to cleanse skin properly and consistently you can be clear from issues like oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, blackheads, whiteheads and wrinkles can appear less visible!

There is no need to scrub your skin with chemicals which can strip your skin of any oil and send it into overdrive to try and compensate- making the problem worse! It has recently been reported that the small plastic beads used in many skincare products such as face scrubs, are slipping through water treatment facilities and making their way into the food chain. Keep it natural and use GOOD OIL!

GOOD OIL is also a lot cheaper than using expensive cleansers and creams. At just £6 for a 500ml bottle (which will last you about 50 days) this works out at just 12 pence per day. You may end up buying more though as it tastes so good on salads!


May 29, 2014 at 12:00 pm Leave a comment

GOOD OIL: Why It Really Is GOOD

The majority of us will use oil in our daily lives and not give much thought to how it is affecting our health, however as it is a common ingredient in almost every meal shouldn’t it be a little more important? Most recipes begin with ‘heat a tablespoon of oil’ and by using GOOD OIL you can make sure that tablespoon counts! Just one tablespoon of GOOD OIL contains 96% of an adult’s daily recommended Omega 3 intake!




So what else is so good about GOOD OIL?

  • Made from the superfood hemp seeds: GOOD OIL is 100% pure hemp seed oil which is cold pressed and nothing else is added. Hemp seeds are a real superfood and are made up of 30% protein, 15% carbohydrates and over 9% fibre. Whatsmore, they are packed full of Omega 3, 6 and 9 which are the essential fatty acids your body cannot produce itself. With 2.3g of Omega 3 per 30g serving of hemp seeds, you can easily exceed the daily recommended intake of 2g without trying!
  • Sustainable: hemp is one of the most sustainable plants on the planet and breath in four times the amount of CO2 that trees do. Also, the rate hemp grows is extremely fast, second only to bamboo. Within 4 months of being planted it can grow between 10 and 20 feet tall! On the other hand trees take at least 20 years before they can be harvested for commercial use.Whilst growing, the hemp makes an excellent habitat for animals and as no herbicides, pesticides or chemicals are used, it is good for the soil too and helps to enrich it with nutrients. Once the seeds are harvested none of the crop is wasted. The straw from the stem goes into sustainable housing and the fibre is used for the doors of BMW cars! The leaves are left to enrich the soil even more.
  • Not just for eating: GOOD OIL  is not only delicious drizzled over salads and in stir fries. It is an excellent moisturiser and is great for dry skin. As the oil contains an almost perfect ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6, this makes it more readily available to be used by the cells in the body than other oils. Many customers have commented that using GOOD OIL directly on the skin or in the bath have helped to relieve the symptoms of dry skin, eczema and sunburn.
  • Produced in the UK: it’s not often you can say your culinary oil is produced in Britain and with many oils (such as olive oil) they have probably come from overseas racking up lots of food miles on the way. GOOD OIL  is pressed and bottled at Collabear Farm in Devon so you can be sure of the origin of our oil and that it hasn’t had to travel too far to get to your plate!
  • Low in saturated fat: compared with olive oil GOOD OIL  contains half the saturated fat. This means you can be more liberal with it without the fear of going over your saturated fat limit for the day! GOOD OIL  contains 9.4% saturated fat and this is compared to 21% in soya bean oil and a whopping 86% in coconut oil!

April 30, 2014 at 3:29 pm Leave a comment

Nuts About Soya?

There are so many dairy alternatives available nowadays and it can be difficult to know which one to choose. With so many new plant-based milks being introduced it can be a confusing (and expensive) task deciding which to use on a daily basis.

The most well-known dairy alternative is probably soya as this is likely to be the option many people turn to when they first  go dairy-free. Soya can be a good option as the phytoestrogens it contains have been shown to reduce the adverse symptoms of menopause and can also help to accelerate calcium absorption in the body which can help to prevent osteoporosis. However, there are many reasons why soya may not be such a good option…

Why Choose Hemp Milk Over Soya Milk?

  • Non-GM

Unlike soya, hemp needn’t be ‘enhanced’ or genetically modified in order to give it a more nutritiously desirable profile. Many soya crops are genetically modified and hemp needn’t be! Hemp is grown without the use of any chemicals and does not require herbicides or pesticides to grow.

  • Produced in the UK

GOOD HEMP Milk is produced from hemp seeds grown on our farm in Devon and is made and packed right here in the UK. Soya beans can only grown in climates with hot summers which is not possible in the UK so you can never be too sure where your soya milk has come from or how many miles it has travelled!

  • Minimal processing

In order to extract the milk from the beans soya has to undergo a lengthy chemical process. In GOOD HEMP Milk, the seeds are shelled and then blended with water which involves minimal processing and keeps the optimum nutritional value of the seeds!

  • Easy to digest

Hemp milk is easily digestible, so there is none of the bloating which can be associated with soya alternatives. Soya contains enzyme inhibitors known as oligosaccharides, which can interfere with digestion causing bloating and gas- which is not very nice!

  • Nut-free

GOOD HEMP milk is produced in a completely nut-free environment which means you can be sure you are not going to consume any allergens.

  • Perfect in hot drinks!

Many dairy-alternatives, including soya, are not suitable when used in hot drinks and can separate. GOOD HEMP milk won’t do this, and it is great for cooking with too.

  • Packed full of Omega-3

Hemp seeds are high in Omega-3 and just one glass of GOOD HEMP Milk contains 50% of an adult’s daily recommended Omega 3 intake.

April 15, 2014 at 2:13 pm Leave a comment

5 Reasons to Go Sugar-Free

It’s around that time of year when we all try and give something up in the name of Lent and sugar may well have been cut out of many people’s diets. But is it really that easy to completely banish? We have all seen the recent controversy in the press surrounding the ‘evil’ white substance. These worrying articles that have recently surfaced have been convincing us that our recommended daily sugar intake should be slashed or we could end up with diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Some experts are even warning that consuming sugar is as dangerous as alcohol and tobacco. Whilst studies are ongoing, surely we all knew that sugar was bad for us anyway?

It is a simple fact that processed, white sugar has absolutely no nutritional value and is all in all just empty calories. A teaspoon of sugar contains around 16 calories. And little else! So many of the processed foods we eat contain several teaspoons of sugar that we are not even aware of. Products such as low fat yoghurts, salad dressings and ‘healthy’ cereals can make trying to live a healthy lifestyle very difficult when they are pumped full of sugar. Lent might not be so easy after all…

Cookies (Sweet & Crunchy)

So, should we really be cutting sugar out of our diets? Here are 5 reasons to go and do just that:

1. Sugar can stop the ‘full’ signals to your brain

Eating a diet high in sugar can trigger leptin resistance even if you are just slightly overweight. Leptin is the hormone responsible for telling our brain that we are full after we have eaten and is released by fat cells in the body. In essence, it represses your appetite and tells your body to stop eating. Sugar can trick your brain into thinking that you have not eaten enough and you will have cravings for high-fat, high-sugar foods because these are the easiest forms of energy. Unfortunately though, this will also make you fat!

2. Sugar is extremely addictive

Sugar is actually like a drug and affects the brain is the same way that cocaine does- it’s that addictive! Tests have shown that when subjects were using cocaine and eating sugar, the same parts of the brain were stimulated.  The more sugar we eat, the more we will crave it until we end up needing ridiculous amounts of it in order to feel satisfied. This just turns into a viscous cycle that needs to be broken!

3. Sugar causes insulin resistance

Insulin is secreted from the pancreas and it’s main function is to drive glucose from the blood stream into the cells and regulate blood sugar. If too much sugar is eaten, the pancreas has to produce even more insulin to remove the toxic glucose from the blood stream and the cells become resistance to the effects of insulin. Another function of insulin is that it tells fat cells in the body to pick up fat from the bloodstream and this can lead to obesity too (see next point!)

4. Sugar has a direct effect on weight 

As eating sugary foods has a direct impact on your blood sugar levels, reducing your intake is probably the best place to start if you want to lose weight. Consuming sweet foods will send your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster and will leave your energy levels high for a short while and then come crashing down. This is not conducive to weight loss and will leave you reaching for more sugary snacks!

5. Sugar adds no value to your health

Overall, the main message is that sugar does not add any benefit to your diet- except maybe for an unsustainable burst of energy. It is void of all nutrients, vitamins and minerals and is made up of empty calories that the body can not effectively metabolise.

So, there are 5 good reasons why you should think about reducing your sugar intake or cutting it out of your diet altogether. It may be difficult at first but will be well worth it in the end!


March 31, 2014 at 9:00 am Leave a comment

How Hemp Seeds and Oil Can Support Your Healthier Habits

Your food choices have a direct impact on your well-being, owing to the nutrients they offer and the role these play in the prevention or causation of health problems. However, the food you eat can also indirectly influence your health in terms of the way that it makes us feel. While your diet influences your mental well-being, which in turn affects your lifestyle choices, feeling tired, constantly hungry and bloated also stands in the way of good habits. For instance, you’re more likely to reach for caffeine loaded drinks and sugar-rich snacks when lethargic, and when suffering from digestive discomfort you’re less inclined to exercise. Diet plays an important role in how you feel physically and the good news is that the nutrients in hemp seeds and their oil can help you feel on top form.

Maintaining your energy

If you struggle with low energy levels, look no further than hemp products. Firstly, hemp seeds and oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and not only are these essential fatty acids important for a healthy heart and brain, but they may also help you to keep up your energy levels. This is because these healthy fats act as anti-inflammatories and by combatting inflammation within the body, various processes can occur more efficiently, including blood sugar control. Your blood sugars influence your energy levels, so achieving more stable levels of sugar in your blood helps to keep up your energy. However, that’s not the only way in which they give your energy levels a boost. Like other seeds, they have a low glycaemic index; this is due to their high protein and fat content. This means that hemp seeds release their energy slowly and they also have a positive impact on the release of energy from other foods at the same meal, so if you add these to your cereal, a smoothie, baking or another recipe, you’ll reap the benefits of slow energy release, helping you to maintain your energy levels for longer. When in control of your energy levels, you’ll be better able to stick to your aims and you’re less tempted to use a stimulant to give you more energy. While some of these may seem harmless, caffeine is a natural drug that can affect your physical and mental well-being in higher doses, and dangerous artificial stimulants aren’t worth the risk.

Controlling hunger

When trying to make healthy dietary choices, hunger makes it that much harder. While getting your blood sugars under control will usually help to combat feelings of hunger between meals, that’s not the only way in which hemp seeds can help. They are also rich in fibre, with over 9g of fibre per 100g making them officially a high fibre food. Fibre is known to keep you feeling fuller for longer, but unlike fruit, vegetables and wholegrains, which are also a great source of fibre, they are loaded with protein. The impact that protein-rich foods have on your appetite is now well-understood and according to the Medical Research Council protein triggers the release of a hormone that signals you are full. High in fibre and protein, hemp seeds therefore make the perfect choice to keep hunger at bay and are particularly useful for anyone with weight loss in their sights.

Better digestion

If you struggle with bloating and irregular bowel movements, you may try to up your intake of fibre-rich foods to solve this uncomfortable problem. However, not all fibre is equal, and grains that are high in insoluble fibre may make the problem worse. Hemp seeds on the other hand are a good source of soluble fibre, the type of fibre that the British Dietetic Association advises people with constipation and bloating to increase. This acts more gently on your intestines, to encourage regular bowel movements and relieve digestive discomfort.

Hemp Seed Energy Bars

This simple no-cook recipe has just four ingredients and the bars make an ideal snack or a healthy dessert; they can even be used as an addition to your breakfast on those mornings when you need extra energy.

You will need

6 Medjool dates

75g of hemp seeds

2 tbsp of coconut oil

½ tsp of vanilla extra or ground cinnamon to taste

Pit the dates and blend to a paste in a food processor. Transfer this date paste to a bowl and add the hemp seeds, oil and flavouring. Roll out the dough and cut into bars. Chill in the fridge for a firmer texture.

March 17, 2014 at 11:09 am Leave a comment

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